Blog #3

  • How diverse is your existing PLN?
    • Every day I keep switching between different social media. Each social media app has a very different purpose. Some of them are for chatting with friends and family, sharing personal life or party photos, and some of them are for expressing your emotions, like WeChat. Twitter and Weibo are for people around the world to see what you post as long as they have an account. I may post some less private photos or some posts that I want people to know me, and I will only post them to the public account. It’s mostly blogs and product promotion (because it’s called promotion only when more people can see the ads). So each PLN has different uses, and their diversity brings convenience to our lives.
  • In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?
    • I usually just act as a listener or a spectator and learner. I don’t usually initiate chats or participate in discussions, I prefer to be a listener. I will only consider speaking up if I have some novel ideas on a topic that interests me. But when others are sharing their ideas, I will silently agree with them in my heart.
  • Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide range of interests)?
    • Yes, I will participate in a silo of information sharing. For example, some chatting groups that share cooking, cats, school classes, fishing. There are always people in that group sharing good tips or funny stuff. Some groups are full of strangers, all of whom share a common hobby and are in the same group. I don’t really like chatting in groups with lots of strangers. Some groups are small groups of a few people. It may be that we are all in the same class at school, and some of them need to be done together, so it is better to discuss them in the same group.
  • How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?
    • People all over the world will not be exactly the same, just as they will all think differently. Each person has their own experience with the same issue and they may have a different perspective. Just like a group discussion, each person says a few words that create the final outcome of the group’s discussion, each person also learns a different perspective on the point of view. Yet a wide variety of PLNs can be shared by people from all over the world. They have different cultural backgrounds, different age groups, and different perspectives on things. Under the same news, everyone is commenting on their different ideas. It is really interesting to see all those differences.


Course Interview with Shelley Moore:

One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion Shelley Moore and Leyton Schnellert
Introduction (Page 6-10) & Part 1 (Page 11-12).


  1. tanvirmanak

    Hi Caroline, great blog post! I can relate to the part where you said you are more of a listener than a spectator, I’m the exact same way. I agree that unless I have a lot of knowledge on the topic being discussed I don’t chime in.

  2. Kewen

    Hi Caroline,
    thank you for sharing your idea!
    I really agreed with you about using different social media base on different purposes. As for myself, I will use the same kind of method to separate my work and personal life as well.
    A connection I made between your work and mine is, I am usually a listener as well. Especially in the workplace, because I don’t think I am familiar with professional social skills yet, so I don’t want to rush to make some immature remarks.
    Thank you for your post, I really enjoy reading it!

  3. caitlingalbraith

    Hi Caroline!

    I definitely agree with you that people all over the world are inherently different and therefore are different in their perspectives and opinions. This highlights our need to continue to connect with people worldwide in order to broaden horizons and perhaps gain a deeper understanding of a certain topic. One way to go about this is to follow accounts on social media that are outside of your usual “bubble”, such as news accounts and accounts created from different places in the world. Overall, great post. Thank you for sharing!

    Caitlin Galbraith

  4. Joerica Qiu

    Hello, Caroline. I think many of the ideas put forward by your blog coincide with mine.

    For example, I am also used to be a listener on the Internet, even if I will participate in information sharing, on the premise of not revealing too much of my personal privacy. This is a relatively self-protective move, we can enjoy a safe and comfortable PLN environment.

    I was inspired by your inclusive view of PLN. The results of the group discussion combined their individual cultures, ages and ideas, and the differences were actually quite interesting.

    Anyways, I like your blog 🙂


  5. Chenxi Wang

    Hi Caroline,
    Your opinion of diversifying the PNL is very well founded. However, I feel that this will mean switching from one platform to another because these platforms have different audiences. I think that exploring alternatives that offer a good premise for anyone to learn may be effective. Otherwise, you did a good job with your blog post.

  6. norman00

    Hi Caroline,

    Thanks for sharing your blog post 3. It is wonderful that you address each question so thoroughly. I also agree with your opinion that PLN can make our lives easier. It provides a great opportunity for us to connect to each other on PLN and expand our relationships. Furthermore, I am a listener. I think other people’s opinions can help me change my thinking about a question. I enjoy hearing what other people have to say and how they approach the problem.

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